General Options


[:CompizPlugins:Compiz Plugins]



General Options contain settings that can affect the appearance and behaviour of Compiz overall. These settings are not specific to any plugin, but can be configured the same way as a plugin using the CompizConfig Settings Manager.

Compiz replaces your desktop environment's standard window manager when it runs, so this is the place to look for shortcuts that stop working, viewports that suddenly change in size and quantity, or other window manager behaviour that suddenly changes when Compiz is running.


Slow animations

A keyboard shortcut that causes all Compiz animations to play in slow motion. Press it again to reset animations to normal speed.

Window Menu

A mouse shortcut that opens the same menu you would see if you were to right-click on a window's title-bar.

Show Desktop

A screen edge that reveals your desktop by moving every window out of the way. Exactly how those windows are moved aside depends on whether you have the Show desktop or Fade to Desktop plugins enabled.

Audible Bell

Do you want to hear your PC speaker beep when a window emits a system bell event?

Hide Skip Taskbar Windows

Do you want to hide all windows that don't appear on the taskbar when you enter show desktop mode? Disable this option if you want desktop widgets to remain visible when showing the desktop.

Ignore Hints When Maximized

Should a window's size increment and aspect ratio hints be ignored when it is maximized?

Ping Delay

Windows that stop responding become greyed out after a certain amount of time passes. This setting tells Compiz how long to wait, in milliseconds.

Unredirect Fullscreen Windows

Should programs be allowed to draw directly into a fullscreen window, bypassing the compositing process? This can significantly increase the performance of fullscreen games and videos, but may also cause visual glitches. If you don't know which setting is right for your use case, it's safer to leave this option disabled.

Default Icon

The default icon to use for windows that don't specify an icon with which to represent themselves.


This section features numbered lists of Command lines and Run command keyboard shortcuts. Activating a keyboard shortcut in the latter list will execute the corresponding command specified in the former list.

There are separate command and shortcut pairs for extremely common commands, as described below.

Terminal command line

A command to run for opening a console window.

Open a terminal

A keyboard shortcut that runs the command specified in the Terminal command line.

Screenshot command line

A command to run for taking a picture of the whole screen.

Window screenshot command line

A command to run for taking a picture of a single window.

Take a screenshot

A keyboard shortcut that runs the command specified in the Screenshot command line.

Take a screenshot of a window

A keyboard shortcut that runs the command specified in the Window screenshot command line.

Desktop Size

Horizontal Virtual Size

The number of columns of viewports you want. For the Desktop Cube to look like a cube, this must be set to 4.

Vertical Virtual Size

The number of rows of viewports you want.

Number of Desktops

Each desktop contains a completely separate set of viewports, so this value specifies how many complete sets of viewports you want.

<!> Viewports and desktops are not the same concept. For technical reasons, changing the number of "desktops" or "workspaces" in environments such as GNOME, KDE, and Xfce is not the same as changing the number of viewports in Compiz. You can have multiple viewports on one desktop. A more detailed explanation of the differences between them can be found in the following discussion:

Display Settings

Texture Filter

The lower the quality of the texture filter, the faster Compiz should render. Conversely, a higher quality texture filter slows down rendering, but improves visual quality.

Detect Refresh Rate

Should Compiz try to automatically detect the refresh rate of your screen?


When this option is enabled, objects facing away from the front of the screen will become darker.

Refresh Rate

Specify your screen's refresh rate if the Detect Refresh Rate option is disabled.

Sync To VBlank

When this option is enabled, Compiz will only update the screen in sync with the screen's refresh rate. This can reduce tearing artefacts, but may also cause animations to feel stiffer.

Detect Outputs

Should Compiz try to automatically detect the size(s) of your screen(s)?

The list of Outputs allows you to specify the size of your screen(s) if the Detect Outputs option is disabled.

Focus & Raise Behaviour

Click To Focus

Should windows be focused when you click on them, or should they gain focus as soon as your mouse passes over them?


Should a window that was focused automatically be raised to the front?

Auto-Raise Delay

How much time (in milliseconds) should pass before a focused window is automatically raised to the front?

Raise On Click

Should a window be raised to the front as soon as you click anywhere in it? When this option is disabled, you must specifically click on a window's titlebar to raise it.

Focus Prevention Windows

Which windows should be subject to the focus stealing prevention rules built into Compiz? For more information about identifying windows, refer to the article about Window Matching.

Key bindings

This section allows you to configure keyboard and mouse shortcuts for common window management tasks such as maximizing, minimizing, raising, lowering, and closing windows.

Opacity Settings

Increase Opacity

Mouse shortcut for making a window more opaque (less translucent).

Decrease Opacity

Mouse shortcut for making a window less opaque (more translucent).

Opacity Step

By how much should a window become more or less opaque when the mouse shortcuts above are used? This value is a percentage.

The list of Window opacities allows you to specify different kinds of windows and how opaque they should be when they open. This list can be used to achieve effects such as translucent menus and translucent docks. For more information about using this list and identifying windows, refer to the article about Window Matching.